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Counseling for Aging

Do you or someone you care for struggle with changes in physical, emotional, or cognitive abilities?

Have these changes turned your life or your loved one’s life upside down?

Are you feeling lost and overwhelmed with making decisions about how to get things back on track?


Aging happens to everyone. Some of the changes we experience may be

welcomed changes, but others can create sadness, stress and anxiety. It can be difficult going through each day wondering what will happen next.


Many people are afraid of losing their ability to be independent. Others fear loss of value and purpose as their abilities decline. Loss of friends and family can create social isolation.


All you really want is to be seen for who you are, and treated with dignity and respect.

Counseling for what can be overwhelming and frightening issues of aging can bring you peace of mind, increased ability to remain independent, and a place to process the grief of increasing losses. You'll feel better from talking through your concerns with a knowledgable professional.

We're here to listen and help -- start now
Counseling for issues of aging

Fear of not knowing what the future holds can be frightening and overwhelming, especially if you have been diagnosed with a major / degenerative illness.

Our issues of aging specialist Abigail Grant, LISW-S has years of experience helping others just like you to examine your situation openly and realistically.

It may feel awkward or embarrassing to talk to someone about your fears or problems, but once expressed things often feel less frightening.


Our goal is to work with individuals and families in difficult situations related to aging, and help you find a solution that works best for you.

Call for an appointment now


and gain some welcomed relief soon.

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